Global: not alone in Europe

The “Not Alone in Europe” project aimed to address the challenges faced by LGBTQI+ young migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers (YMRA), who are among the most vulnerable groups in European society. The project recognized that the group not only faces harassment, displacement, and discrimination but also the risk of unfair legal judgments. By building upon previous findings and aligning with the aspirations of the BpE (Becoming a part of Europe) report, the project sought to support and empower the target group while promoting their social inclusion. It identified the need for enhanced professional competencies and sensitivity to prevent multiple discrimination and harassment in the future. Through the development of activities, materials, and guidelines, the project aimed to train and equip youth workers, educators, and community mediators. While institutional projects and initiatives existed at higher levels, the grassroots level of civil society had yet to fully understand and address these issues.
We extend our gratitude to our partner organizations:
Solidarity Now – Greece
RFSL Ungdom – Sweden
Noorteorganisatsioon Trajectorya – Estonia
Humanitarna organizacija Jesuit Refugee Service – Serbia
Association of Human Rights Educators – AHEAD – Spain “
Link to the Intellettual Output: